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Candidates by Party - 1993 Seanad Election

January 1993

Show All | Show Elected | Showing UNSUCCESSFUL candidates

Non party/Independent

 Constituency  Party   Candidate Photo Sex
Cultural and Educational Panel Aidan Clarke
University of Dublin Alan Stanford
National University of Ireland Anne Colgan
National University of Ireland Anthony Clare
Cultural and Educational Panel Barry McGovern
National University of Ireland Benedict Reid
National University of Ireland Brendan Price
National University of Ireland Brendan Ryan*
University of Dublin Claire Wheeler
University of Dublin David Martin
University of Dublin Erick Dillon
University of Dublin Florence O'Donoghue
University of Dublin Frederick O'Connell
National University of Ireland Gerard Waters
National University of Ireland James Heffron
University of Dublin James Rickard
Cultural and Educational Panel John Nolan
University of Dublin John Dillon
Agricultural Panel Joseph Condon
National University of Ireland Joyce Andrews
Cultural and Educational Panel Paraic Cosgrove
Cultural and Educational Panel Patsy Lawlor
National University of Ireland Paul McNulty
Industrial and Commercial Panel Peter Hanna
University of Dublin Peter Cooke
Administrative Panel Pol Bainin O Foighil*
University of Dublin Prabhu Kulkarni
Labour Panel Seán Lyons
Agricultural Panel Stanley Foot
National University of Ireland Tommy Francis
University of Dublin Virginia Hogan
National University of Ireland Dr Bill Tormey
National University of Ireland William Binchy

Total Unsuccessful: 33

*outgoing Senator (2)
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