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Candidates by Party - 2007 Seanad Election

23 July 2007

Show All | Show Elected | Showing UNSUCCESSFUL candidates

Non party/Independent

 Constituency  Party   Candidate Photo Sex
National University of Ireland Bernardine O'Sullivan
National University of Ireland Bernie O'Callaghan
National University of Ireland Brendan Price
Agricultural Panel Bridie Hunt
National University of Ireland Daithi MacCartaigh
National University of Ireland Dan K Sullivan
University of Dublin David Martin
University of Dublin David Hutchinson Edgar
Agricultural Panel Declan MacPartlin
Industrial and Commercial Panel Dermot Walsh
Industrial and Commercial Panel Edwin Finnegan
Industrial and Commercial Panel Gerry Bridgett
Industrial and Commercial Panel Gordon Millington
University of Dublin Ike Efobi
National University of Ireland John Hillery
Cultural and Educational Panel Kevin Hoy
Labour Panel Jack McGinley
National University of Ireland Linda O'Shea Farren
National University of Ireland Mark Garavan
National University of Ireland Mark Connolly
National University of Ireland Martin Hogan
National University of Ireland Tina Lowe
National University of Ireland Mary O'Riordan
University of Dublin Maurice Gueret
Labour Panel Mick O'Reilly
Cultural and Educational Panel Michael Merrigan
Industrial and Commercial Panel Michael Smyth
National University of Ireland Oonagh Monahan
National University of Ireland Paddy Healy
Labour Panel Paudge Connolly
University of Dublin Rosaleen McDonagh
Industrial and Commercial Panel Seamus O'Donoghue
University of Dublin Seán O'Connor
National University of Ireland Shane Brodbin
University of Dublin Shay Conway
University of Dublin Stephen Douglas
National University of Ireland Susan Philips
Industrial and Commercial Panel Thomas Collins
Agricultural Panel Tomas O'Connor
National University of Ireland Valerie Bresnihan
Industrial and Commercial Panel William Hayes

Total Unsuccessful: 41

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