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Referendum of 12 June 2008
28th Amendment
Treaty of Lisbon I





This amendment was REJECTED

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The Twenty-eighth Amendment of the Constitution Bill, 2008

Polling for the referendum took place on Thursday 12 June 2008.

The Twenty-eighth Amendment of the Constitution Bill, 2008 proposed to make the following changes to the Constitution:

  1. Article 29 of the Constitution is hereby amended as follows:

    1. subsections 9° and 11° of section 4 of both the Irish text and the English text shall be repealed;
    2. the subsections, the texts of which are set out in Part 1 of the Schedule, shall be inserted after subsection 10° of section 4 of the Irish text;
    3. the subsections, the texts of which are set out in Part 2 of the Schedule, shall be inserted after subsection 10° of section 4 of the English text; and
    4. subsection 10° of section 4 of both texts shall be numbered subsection 9°.
    1. The amendment of the Constitution effected by this Act shall be called the Twenty-Eighth Amendment of the Constitution.
    2. This Act may be cited as the Twenty-Eighth Amendment of the Constitution Act 2008.

The full text of the Bill can be downloaded here (PDF - 3.3MB)

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