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An Cabhan Muineachan
Cavan Monaghan Area (Ulster)

5 Seats 20 Candidates 14 Counts
Electorate: 109,152 Quota: 11,542
Click for printer-friendly version Transfer of
votes from
and Duffy
and Deery
and Mee
Transfer of
votes from
Transfer of
votes from
Transfer of
votes from
Transfer of
votes from
and Hendrick
Transfer of
votes from
Transfer of
votes from
Transfer of
votes from
Transfer of
votes from
Transfer of
surplus from
Transfer of
votes from
Transfer of
surplus from
Transfer of
surplus from
 Candidate    Party    Count 1    Count 2     Count 3     Count 4     Count 5     Count 6     Count 7     Count 8     Count 9     Count 10     Count 11     Count 12     Count 13     Count 14   

David Maxwell Fine Gael +16 +31 +87 +35 +84 +73 +1,170 +2,870 +1,788 -811      
 6,199   6,215   6,246   6,333   6,368   6,452   6,525   7,695   10,565   12,353   11,542   11,542   11,542   11,542 

* Matt Carthy Sinn Féin +22 +61 +41 +64 +306 +237 +163 +80 +561 +83 +4,140 -3,579  
 9,363   9,385   9,446   9,487   9,551   9,857   10,094   10,257   10,337   10,898   10,981   15,121   11,542   11,542 

Cathy Bennett Sinn Féin +29 +17 +37 +26 +260 +100 +117 +52 +568 +110 +1,882 +3,281 -1,841
 6,904   6,933   6,950   6,987   7,013   7,273   7,373   7,490   7,542   8,110   8,220   10,102   13,383   11,542 

* Niamh Smyth Fianna Fail +14 +24 +78 +56 +95 +416 +524 +1,084 +1,959 +274 +470 +73 +202
 5,789   5,803   5,827   5,905   5,961   6,056   6,472   6,996   8,080   10,039   10,313   10,783   10,856   11,058 

* Brendan Smith2 Fianna Fail +2 +5 +43 +57 +81 +313 +358 +1,011 +1,284 +255 +460 +94 +270
 6,653   6,655   6,660   6,703   6,760   6,841   7,154   7,512   8,523   9,807   10,062   10,522   10,616   10,886 

Sarah O'Reilly Aontú +56 +103 +35 +136 +675 +969 +365 +581 +339 +83 +508 +131 +938
 5,148   5,204   5,307   5,342   5,478   6,153   7,122   7,487   8,068   8,407   8,490   8,998   9,129   10,067 

* Pauline Tully Sinn Féin +10 +6 +33 +139 +315 +426 +136 +297 +45 +6 -7,868    
 6,455   6,465   6,471   6,504   6,643   6,958   7,384   7,520   7,817   7,862   7,868  Eliminated

§ Robbie Gallagher Fianna Fail +13 +33 +79 +10 +64 +54 +241 +90 -6,857        
 6,273   6,286   6,319   6,398   6,408   6,472   6,526   6,767   6,857  Eliminated

T P O'Reilly Fine Gael +5 +8 +58 +94 +47 +578 +1,307 -6,425          
 4,328   4,333   4,341   4,399   4,493   4,540   5,118   6,425  Eliminated

Carmel Brady Fine Gael +7 +6 +52 +29 +62 +104 -4,519            
 4,259   4,266   4,272   4,324   4,353   4,415   4,519  Eliminated

Shane P O'Reilly Independent Ireland +28 +37 +18 +133 +423 -3,717              
 3,078   3,106   3,143   3,161   3,294   3,717  Eliminated

Val Martin Irish Freedom Party +53 +137 +1 +142 -1,591                
 1,258   1,311   1,448   1,449   1,591  Eliminated

Emma Hendrick Solidarity People Before Profit +12 +19 +160 +36 -1,194                
 967   979   998   1,158   1,194  Eliminated

Lester Gordon Non party/Independent +77 +38 +10 -1,046                  
 921   998   1,036   1,046  Eliminated

Eddie O'Gara Green/Comhaontas Glas +7 +4 -750                    
 739   746   750  Eliminated

Shane Mulligan Liberty Republic +37 -544                      
 507   544  Eliminated

Mark Moore National Party -177                        
 177  Eliminated

Joseph Duffy1 Non party/Independent -122                        
 122  Eliminated

Feargal Deery Non party/Independent -79                        
 79  Eliminated

Jimmy Mee Non party/Independent -27                        
 27  Eliminated

Non-transferable papers not effective +17



Total valid 69,246 69,246 69,246 69,246 69,246 69,246 69,246 69,246 69,246 69,246 69,246 69,246 69,246 69,246

* outgoing TD
§ outgoing Senator
The data in the table above may be sorted by clicking on the column headings
(please note that clicking on any of the 'count' headings except for Count 1 will sort into final count order)
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