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An Clar
Clare Area (Munster)

4 Seats 20 Candidates 16 Counts
Electorate: 96,398 Quota: 12,182
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and O'Donovan
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Transfer of
votes from
Ní Chatháin
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votes from
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votes from
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votes from
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surplus from
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 Candidate    Party    Count 1    Count 2     Count 3     Count 4     Count 5     Count 6     Count 7     Count 8     Count 9     Count 10     Count 11     Count 12     Count 13     Count 14     Count 15     Count 16   

Timmy Dooley Fianna Fail +6 +21 +15 +57 +69 +47 +14 +47 +212 +111 +167 +1,487 -1,384    
 11,313   11,319   11,340   11,355   11,412   11,481   11,528   11,542   11,589   11,801   11,912   12,079   13,566   12,182   12,182   12,182 

* Cathal Crowe Fianna Fail +5 +11 +9 +29 +53 +36 +22 +31 +192 +158 +289 +1,374 +954 +920  
 8,261   8,266   8,277   8,286   8,315   8,368   8,404   8,426   8,457   8,649   8,807   9,096   10,470   11,424   12,344   12,344 

Donna McGettigan Sinn Féin +10 +27 +73 +26 +71 +50 +242 +135 +54 +840 +413 +187 +22 +810 +1,233
 7,843   7,853   7,880   7,953   7,979   8,050   8,100   8,342   8,477   8,531   9,371   9,784   9,971   9,993   10,803   12,036 

Joe Cooney Fine Gael +3 +2 +8 +59 +89 +36 +11 +31 +341 +112 +125 +375 +92 +821 +1,110
 7,575   7,578   7,580   7,588   7,647   7,736   7,772   7,783   7,814   8,155   8,267   8,392   8,767   8,859   9,680   10,790 

Leonara Carey Fine Gael +3 +15 +8 +21 +15 +15 +16 +24 +492 +131 +102 +334 +111 +332 +1,592
 5,251   5,254   5,269   5,277   5,298   5,313   5,328   5,344   5,368   5,860   5,991   6,093   6,427   6,538   6,870   8,462 

Róisín Garvey Green/Comhaontas Glas +11 +21 +18 +55 +7 +13 +105 +29 +109 +808 +179 +300 +75 +325 -5,825
 3,770   3,781   3,802   3,820   3,875   3,882   3,895   4,000   4,029   4,138   4,946   5,125   5,425   5,500   5,825  Eliminated

Eddie Punch Independent Ireland +18 +7 +27 +58 +75 +131 +44 +559 +105 +169 +895 +251 +56 -4,978  
 2,583   2,601   2,608   2,635   2,693   2,768   2,899   2,943   3,502   3,607   3,776   4,671   4,922   4,978  Eliminated

Rita McInerney Fianna Fail +2 +9 +17 +30 +17 +136 +10 +26 +575 +73 +224 -4,592      
 3,473   3,475   3,484   3,501   3,531   3,548   3,684   3,694   3,720   4,295   4,368   4,592  Eliminated

June Dillon Aontú +9 +3 +22 +22 +25 +65 +39 +365 +84 +124 -2,857        
 2,099   2,108   2,111   2,133   2,155   2,180   2,245   2,284   2,649   2,733   2,857  Eliminated

Hilary Tonge Social Democrats +25 +23 +45 +13 +18 +15 +367 +30 +43 -2,723          
 2,144   2,169   2,192   2,237   2,250   2,268   2,283   2,650   2,680   2,723  Eliminated

Tom Nolan3 Fine Gael +2 +4 +6 +8 +10 +70 +8 +22 -2,269            
 2,139   2,141   2,145   2,151   2,159   2,169   2,239   2,247   2,269  Eliminated

Michael Leahy2 Irish Freedom Party +51 +1 +12 +20 +22 +73 +11 -1,472              
 1,282   1,333   1,334   1,346   1,366   1,388   1,461   1,472  Eliminated

Caitríona Ní Chatháin Solidarity People Before Profit +15 +26 +26 +7 +13 +17 -924                
 820   835   861   887   894   907   924  Eliminated

Kevin Hassett Non party/Independent +5 +5 +9 +18 +82 -789                  
 670   675   680   689   707   789  Eliminated

Matthew Moroney Non party/Independent +5 +13 +12 +28 -596                    
 538   543   556   568   596  Eliminated

Paddy Murphy Non party/Independent +5 +4 +12 -464                      
 443   448   452   464  Eliminated

* Violet Anne Wynne Non party/Independent +6 +12 -328                        
 310   316   328  Eliminated

Amanda Major Non party/Independent +3 -208                          
 205   208  Eliminated

Michael Loughrey The Irish People -101                            
 101  Eliminated

Barry O'Donovan2 Rabharta -87                            
 87  Eliminated

Non-transferable papers not effective +4

Total valid 60,907 60,907 60,907 60,907 60,907 60,907 60,907 60,907 60,907 60,907 60,907 60,907 60,907 60,907 60,907 60,907

* outgoing TD
The data in the table above may be sorted by clicking on the column headings
(please note that clicking on any of the 'count' headings except for Count 1 will sort into final count order)
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