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previous next Local Elections: 5 June 2009
Back Next Dundalk South
Louth County Council (Leinster)

6 Seats 11 Candidates 10 Counts
Electorate: 20,476 Quota: 1,645
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District Electoral Divisions

Barronstown, Castlering, Part of Castletown Dundalk Carlingford: That part of the LEA North of the R178 (Carrickmacross Road).
Dundalk South: That part of the LEA South of the R178 (Carrickmacross Road)., Creggan, Part of Dundalk Urban Dundalk Carlingford: That part of the LEA not included in the electoral area of Dundalk South.
Dundalk South: That part of the town of Dundalk which lies south of a line drawn as follows - commencing at the intersection of the western boundary of the town by Carrickmacross Road and proceeding, in a north-easterly direction initially, along the Carrickmacross Road, Carrickmacross Road Bridge and St. Dominick's Place to the junction of St Dominick's Place with the roundabout at the Crescent; then proceeding in a clockwise direction around and excluding the said roundabout to its junction with Anne Street; then proceeding in a north-easterly direction along Anne Street to its junction with Park Street; then proceeding in a north easterly direction along Park Street to its junction with Francis Street; then proceeding in a northeasterly direction along Francis Street and Roden Place to the junction of Roden Place with Jocelyn Street; then proceeding in an easterly direction along Jocelyn Street, Seatown Place and along the road connecting Seatown Place to Barrack Street to reach the junction of said road with the Dundalk Inner Relief Road; then proceeding in a north-westerly projection along the Dundalk Inner Relief Road to its junction with the road at St Helena; then proceeding along the imaginary northeasterly projection of the said road at St Helena to the eastern boundary of the town in Dundalk Harbour. Click to see First Preference Votes Not available Not available Click for Party Details Click for biograhical details of candidates
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