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Candidates by Party - 2002 Seanad Election

16 July 2002

Showing ALL candidates | Show Elected | Show Unsuccessful

Non party/Independent

Candidates in bold were elected

 Constituency  Party   Candidate Photo Sex
University of Dublin Ivana Bacik
University of Dublin Seán Barrett
University of Dublin Declan Boland
National University of Ireland Valerie Bresnihan
National University of Ireland Michael Cosgrave
Cultural and Educational Panel Ellen Dillon
Agricultural Panel Mary Farrell
National University of Ireland Michael Griffin
University of Dublin Maurice Gueret
National University of Ireland Matthew Harmey
Nominated by Taoiseach Dr Maurice Hayes*
Industrial and Commercial Panel Seamus Hennessy
University of Dublin Dr Mary Henry*
Cultural and Educational Panel Michael Herity
Cultural and Educational Panel Kevin Hoy
Agricultural Panel Bridie Hunt
Industrial and Commercial Panel Thomas Hunter McGowan
University of Dublin Prabu Kulkarni
Labour Panel Seán Lyons
National University of Ireland Daithi MacCartaigh
University of Dublin David Martin
University of Dublin Rosaleen McDonagh
University of Dublin Gerard McHugh
Agricultural Panel Bernard Moynihan
National University of Ireland Noel Murphy
University of Dublin David Norris*
Cultural and Educational Panel Seán O Baoill
National University of Ireland Liam O Gogain
Industrial and Commercial Panel Toal O Muire
Cultural and Educational Panel Helen O Murchu
National University of Ireland Jim O'Callaghan
University of Dublin Anthony O'Donnell
National University of Ireland Colm O'Higgins
University of Dublin P J O'Meara
National University of Ireland Linda O'Shea Farren
National University of Ireland Bernardine O'Sullivan
National University of Ireland Joe O'Toole*
National University of Ireland Brendan Price
National University of Ireland Pierce Purcell
National University of Ireland Feargal Quinn*
University of Dublin Shane Ross*
Agricultural Panel Paddy Sharkey
Labour Panel Kathy Sinnott
Cultural and Educational Panel Thomas Spearman

Total Candidates: 44

*outgoing Senator (6)
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