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Referendum of 22 May 1998
19th Amendment
Northern Ireland





This amendment was ACCEPTED

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Full Results

Turnout Spoilt Valid For Against Margin
Constituency Electorate Votes % Votes % Votes % Votes Share Votes Share Votes %

Carlow Kilkenny 86,584 48,651 56.19% 758 1.56% 47,893 55.31% 45,362 94.72% 2,531 5.28% 42,831 89.43%
Cavan Monaghan 83,141 50,564 60.82% 758 1.50% 49,806 59.91% 46,612 93.59% 3,194 6.41% 43,418 87.17%
Clare 71,060 36,643 51.57% 531 1.45% 36,112 50.82% 34,089 94.40% 2,023 5.60% 32,066 88.80%
Cork East 63,881 35,353 55.34% 496 1.40% 34,857 54.57% 33,582 96.34% 1,275 3.66% 32,307 92.68%
Cork North Central 72,802 38,861 53.38% 385 0.99% 38,476 52.85% 35,703 92.79% 2,773 7.21% 32,930 85.59%
Cork North West 47,402 27,993 59.05% 426 1.52% 27,567 58.16% 25,878 93.87% 1,689 6.13% 24,189 87.75%
Cork South Central 85,752 49,939 58.24% 342 0.68% 49,597 57.84% 46,596 93.95% 3,001 6.05% 43,595 87.90%
Cork South West 47,988 27,598 57.51% 403 1.46% 27,195 56.67% 25,591 94.10% 1,604 5.90% 23,987 88.20%
Donegal North East 52,188 29,217 55.98% 282 0.97% 28,935 55.44% 26,923 93.05% 2,012 6.95% 24,911 86.09%
Donegal South West 51,097 27,959 54.72% 347 1.24% 27,612 54.04% 25,919 93.87% 1,693 6.13% 24,226 87.74%
Dublin Central 63,483 33,576 52.89% 346 1.03% 33,230 52.34% 31,232 93.99% 1,998 6.01% 29,234 87.97%
Dublin North 65,312 39,630 60.68% 185 0.47% 39,445 60.39% 37,756 95.72% 1,689 4.28% 36,067 91.44%
Dublin North Central 65,737 42,807 65.12% 289 0.68% 42,518 64.68% 40,196 94.54% 2,322 5.46% 37,874 89.08%
Dublin North East 59,398 36,497 61.44% 165 0.45% 36,332 61.17% 34,347 94.54% 1,985 5.46% 32,362 89.07%
Dublin North West 59,332 35,156 59.25% 254 0.72% 34,902 58.82% 32,731 93.78% 2,171 6.22% 30,560 87.56%
Dublin South 90,536 57,414 63.42% 256 0.45% 57,158 63.13% 54,727 95.75% 2,431 4.25% 52,296 91.49%
Dublin South Central 66,994 39,823 59.44% 363 0.91% 39,460 58.90% 36,945 93.63% 2,515 6.37% 34,430 87.25%
Dublin South East 62,663 37,400 59.68% 265 0.71% 37,135 59.26% 35,375 95.26% 1,760 4.74% 33,615 90.52%
Dublin South West 76,748 40,144 52.31% 287 0.71% 39,857 51.93% 37,475 94.02% 2,382 5.98% 35,093 88.05%
Dublin West 68,773 38,614 56.15% 193 0.50% 38,421 55.87% 36,378 94.68% 2,043 5.32% 34,335 89.37%
DĂșn Laoghaire 86,311 53,710 62.23% 305 0.57% 53,405 61.88% 51,161 95.80% 2,244 4.20% 48,917 91.60%
Galway East 61,703 32,575 52.79% 533 1.64% 32,042 51.93% 30,577 95.43% 1,465 4.57% 29,112 90.86%
Galway West 79,180 38,762 48.95% 446 1.15% 38,316 48.39% 36,302 94.74% 2,014 5.26% 34,288 89.49%
Kerry North 51,641 26,245 50.82% 328 1.25% 25,917 50.19% 24,048 92.79% 1,869 7.21% 22,179 85.58%
Kerry South 47,677 25,491 53.47% 401 1.57% 25,090 52.62% 23,540 93.82% 1,550 6.18% 21,990 87.64%
Kildare North 54,104 29,431 54.40% 173 0.59% 29,258 54.08% 27,925 95.44% 1,333 4.56% 26,592 90.89%
Kildare South 47,904 24,590 51.33% 273 1.11% 24,317 50.76% 22,958 94.41% 1,359 5.59% 21,599 88.82%
Laoighis Offaly 84,530 46,601 55.13% 652 1.40% 45,949 54.36% 43,176 93.97% 2,773 6.03% 40,403 87.93%
Limerick East 77,884 42,323 54.34% 433 1.02% 41,890 53.79% 39,458 94.19% 2,432 5.81% 37,026 88.39%
Limerick West 48,454 25,482 52.59% 426 1.67% 25,056 51.71% 23,634 94.32% 1,422 5.68% 22,212 88.65%
Longford Roscommon 63,968 35,956 56.21% 655 1.82% 35,301 55.19% 33,297 94.32% 2,004 5.68% 31,293 88.65%
Louth 72,116 43,651 60.53% 380 0.87% 43,271 60.00% 40,664 93.98% 2,607 6.02% 38,057 87.95%
Mayo 86,785 45,259 52.15% 747 1.65% 44,512 51.29% 42,264 94.95% 2,248 5.05% 40,016 89.90%
Meath 92,053 49,863 54.17% 497 1.00% 49,366 53.63% 46,859 94.92% 2,507 5.08% 44,352 89.84%
Sligo Leitrim 64,538 36,864 57.12% 597 1.62% 36,267 56.19% 34,237 94.40% 2,030 5.60% 32,207 88.81%
Tipperary North 53,368 30,628 57.39% 473 1.54% 30,155 56.50% 28,322 93.92% 1,833 6.08% 26,489 87.84%
Tipperary South 51,439 29,822 57.98% 490 1.64% 29,332 57.02% 27,636 94.22% 1,696 5.78% 25,940 88.44%
Waterford 69,793 37,825 54.20% 403 1.07% 37,422 53.62% 35,282 94.28% 2,140 5.72% 33,142 88.56%
Westmeath 48,289 26,411 54.69% 394 1.49% 26,017 53.88% 24,488 94.12% 1,529 5.88% 22,959 88.25%
Wexford 84,228 44,334 52.64% 586 1.32% 43,748 51.94% 40,810 93.28% 2,938 6.72% 37,872 86.57%
Wicklow 80,252 45,733 56.99% 541 1.18% 45,192 56.31% 42,528 94.11% 2,664 5.89% 39,864 88.21%

TOTAL 2,747,088 1,545,395 56.26% 17,064 1.10% 1,528,331 55.63% 1,442,583 94.39% 85,748 5.61% 1,356,835 88.78%

Turnout Spoilt Valid For Against Margin
Region Electorate Votes % Votes % Votes % Votes Share Votes Share Votes %

Dublin 765,287 454,771 59.42% 2,908 0.64% 451,863 59.04% 428,323 94.79% 23,540 5.21% 404,783 89.58%
Rest of Leinster 650,060 359,265 55.27% 4,254 1.18% 355,011 54.61% 334,770 94.30% 20,241 5.70% 314,529 88.60%
Munster 789,141 434,203 55.02% 5,537 1.28% 428,666 54.32% 403,359 94.10% 25,307 5.90% 378,052 88.19%
Connaught Ulster 375,347 204,024 54.36% 3,081 1.51% 200,943 53.54% 189,992 94.55% 10,951 5.45% 179,041 89.10%

   ©1998-2025 Christopher Took & Seán Donnelly
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