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Candidates by Party - 2007 Seanad Election

23 July 2007

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Fine Gael

Party Website: http://www.finegael.ie/
 Constituency  Party   Candidate Photo Sex
Cultural and Educational Panel Colm MacEochaidh
Agricultural Panel Derry Foley
Industrial and Commercial Panel Diarmuid Scully
Agricultural Panel Dominick Connolly
Industrial and Commercial Panel Enda McGloin
Cultural and Educational Panel Fergal Browne*
Cultural and Educational Panel Fintan Cooney
Industrial and Commercial Panel Frank Kilbride
Administrative Panel Gerard Murphy
Industrial and Commercial Panel Gerry Breen
Industrial and Commercial Panel Imelda Henry
Industrial and Commercial Panel James Daly
Labour Panel Jim Daly
Industrial and Commercial Panel John Crowe
Industrial and Commercial Panel John F Bailey
National University of Ireland John Kennedy
Labour Panel Katie Ridge
Industrial and Commercial Panel Kevin Murphy
Cultural and Educational Panel Marcella Corcoran Kennedy
Agricultural Panel Maria Byrne
Agricultural Panel Marty J Phelan
Labour Panel Mary Harty
Administrative Panel Michael O'Dowd
Agricultural Panel Michael Comiskey
Administrative Panel Michelle Mulherin
Administrative Panel Molly Buckley
Industrial and Commercial Panel Noel Harrington
Labour Panel Patrick O'Donovan
Labour Panel Paul Cuddihy
Administrative Panel Peter McVitty
Agricultural Panel Seán Kyne
Industrial and Commercial Panel Sheila Terry*
Cultural and Educational Panel Terence Slowey
Industrial and Commercial Panel Tom McHugh

Total Unsuccessful: 34

*outgoing Senator (2)
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