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Candidates by Party - 2002 Seanad Election

16 July 2002

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Fianna Fail

Party Website: http://www.fiannafail.ie/

Candidates in bold were elected

 Constituency  Party   Candidate Photo Sex
Industrial and Commercial Panel Aidan Colleary
Cultural and Educational Panel Aidan Crowley
Agricultural Panel Albert Higgins
Industrial and Commercial Panel Andrew Bridgett
Cultural and Educational Panel Ann Ormonde*
Industrial and Commercial Panel Brendan Hughes
Industrial and Commercial Panel Brendan Kenneally
Labour Panel Brendan Daly
Nominated by Taoiseach Brendan Kenneally
Administrative Panel Camillus Glynn*
Labour Panel Chris Andrews
Nominated by Taoiseach Cyprian Brady
Labour Panel Dan Kiely
Administrative Panel Diarmuid Wilson
Labour Panel Don Lydon
Agricultural Panel Donagh Killilea
Agricultural Panel Eamon Scanlon
Labour Panel Eddie Wade
Industrial and Commercial Panel Eddie Bohan*
Administrative Panel Enda Nolan
Administrative Panel Enda Bonner
Agricultural Panel Francis O'Brien*
Agricultural Panel Frank Chambers
Cultural and Educational Panel Frank Maher*
Labour Panel Garry Keegan
Labour Panel Geraldine Feeney
Industrial and Commercial Panel Ger Killally
Agricultural Panel Jim Walsh*
Industrial and Commercial Panel John Egan
Labour Panel John Hanafin
Cultural and Educational Panel John Brassil
Industrial and Commercial Panel Kevin O'Keefe
Industrial and Commercial Panel Kieran Phelan
Cultural and Educational Panel Labhras O Murchu*
Industrial and Commercial Panel Larry Butler
Labour Panel Liam Fitzgerald*
Industrial and Commercial Panel Marc MacSharry
Industrial and Commercial Panel Margaret Cox*
Administrative Panel Marian McGennis
Agricultural Panel Dr Martin Mansergh
Agricultural Panel Mary Hoade
Industrial and Commercial Panel Mary M White
Nominated by Taoiseach Mary O'Rourke
Industrial and Commercial Panel Michael McGrath
Industrial and Commercial Panel Michael Regan
Nominated by Taoiseach Michael Kitt
Industrial and Commercial Panel Michael Cahill
Administrative Panel Michael Kitt
Nominated by Taoiseach Michael Brennan
Cultural and Educational Panel Paschal Mooney
Industrial and Commercial Panel Pat O'Meara
Nominated by Taoiseach Pat J Moylan*
Agricultural Panel Pat J Moylan
Agricultural Panel Patrick McGowan
Cultural and Educational Panel Paul Kelly*
Agricultural Panel Peter Callanan*
Labour Panel Rody Kelly
Agricultural Panel Rory Kiely*
Labour Panel Seán Collins
Industrial and Commercial Panel Ted Fitzgerald
Labour Panel Terry Leyden
Agricultural Panel Thomas Fleming
Administrative Panel Timmy Dooley
Industrial and Commercial Panel Tom Moffatt
Cultural and Educational Panel Tony McKenna
Administrative Panel Tony Kett*
Industrial and Commercial Panel Val Hanley

Total Candidates: 67

*outgoing Senator (14)
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